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青ノリ取り唄 中津市小祝
コンサート「クレオール・ニッポンの旅 おおいた」
2019/2/23 J.COMホルトホール大分
松田美緒(歌) 鶴来正基(ピアノ) 渡辺亮(パーカッション)
撮影 古木洋平
Collected from the villege of Koiwai, Nakatsu, Oita prefecture.
This song was sang by the women who were harvesting the kelp in the Yamakuni river.
From the concert “Creole Nippon Oita”
held at J.COM HORUTO HALL in 23th of February, 2019
Mio Matsuda vocal
Masaki Tsurugi piano
Ryo Watanabe percussion
video: Yohey Cogi
>SAIKO (2005)
From "Atlantica" 2005 (JVC)A "Coladera"song from Cape Verde. Saiko (Ti Goy) Japanese lyrics by Mio Matsuda recorded in Rio de Janeiro with Rogerio Souza : 7strings guitar, Cavaquinho / Armando Tito (Cape Verde) : Guitar
Mio Matsudaさんの投稿 2014年1月18日土曜日